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Star Micronics Cloud provides remote config, スター精密,POSシステム,プリンター,リモート管理

Contributing to a More Connected Store

Supporting the future store through IoT devices


Supporting retail and hospitality solutions

The combination of Star POS peripheral devices and Star Micronics Cloud Services allows efficient store operations anytime, anywhere.

Tasks such as applying device settings remotely and managing printer status in real-time are now possible.

Why Star Micronics Cloud Services?

As one of the world’s largest POS solution providers, Star Micronics has developed an innovative portfolio of printing technologies.  By adding IoT features via the Star Cloud, Star has enabled a true, developer-friendly core technology for more efficient, connected and intelligent systems.


IoT, Star Micronics, POS

Simple Set-up

Stra Micronics, simple set-up, POS, スター精密, POSシステム, プリンター,リモート管理

Developer Friendly

deeloper friendly, Star Micronics, POS, technology

For Developers

Optimise your POS devices

Star offers web APIs to connect to our POS peripherals via Star Micronics Cloud Services.  Cloud control features such as remote configuration and management allow developers to make store operations more efficient.


For Retailers

Optimise your store operations for free!


Services such as device management for receipt printers, digital journal and printed promotion cloud management are available free of charge for any POS application.


How It Works


1. Create your account


for FREE

2. Register your device

Star Micronics, thermal printer, simple set-up, POS, スター精密,POSシ��ステム,プリンター,リモート管理

3. Start using
        Star services

Star Micronics, Cloud, スター精密,POSシステム,プリンター,リモート管理cked_white.png

Supported Regions



What kind of devices can I use for Star Micronics Cloud Services?

Our services support the Star Micronics receipt printers below
- mC-Label3 series (Firmware version 1.0 or later)
- mC-Print3 series  (Firmware version 3.8 or later)
- mC-Print2 series  (Firmware version 3.8 or later)
- TSP100IV series  (Firmware version 2.0 or later)

How can I sign up for Star Micronics Cloud Services?

Click the Get Started button on this website which will take you to the sign-up page.  Enter your details and you can start using the service right away!

Are Star Micronics Cloud Services free?

Yes, no additional fee is required for current services.

How long is data stored on Star Micronics Cloud?

It depends on the service.  For example digital receipt data will be stored for 90 days from when it is uploaded.  Please contact us for details.



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