Thank you for always using Star Micronics Cloud Services. Let us inform you about some modifications of "Device Monitor" which is a service for retailers.
To improve the performance of the service, some features will no longer be available and change the layout as of 30 September 2024. We appreciate your understanding.
【Target Services】
Device Monitor
This is a retailers-based service that manages the real-time status of printers connected to our cloud.
【Target Features】
From October 1, 2024, the following features will be changed or not be available.
The way to display various information in graphs.
This is a change to the way to display graphs such as the cumulative number of prints and print length for registered printers. After the change, the user will be able to display the target graph by selecting the tab provided on the screen.


<End Of Service>
Display feature of ONLINE/OFFLINE total time and percentage
The feature of displaying the total time and percentage of ONLINE and OFFLINE for registered printers will be ended and will no longer be displayed.

That concludes the explanation above.